Fränkisches Freilandmuseum Fladungen

mit dem Rhön-Zügle

Days of Operation, timetable and fares

Timetable information is subject to changes.

2025 Days of Operation 

Date Ride
4 May steam ride
18 May steam ride
1 June steam ride
8 June steam ride
22 June steam ride
29 June diesel ride
13 July diesel ride
20 July steam ride
27 July diesel ride
3 August steam ride
10 August diesel ride
17 August steam ride
24 August diesel ride
31 August steam ride
7 September diesel ride
14 September steam ride
28 September steam ride
12 October steam ride
19 October steam ride


Timetable (valid for steam and diesel train rides)


dep 10:02 13:02 15:02
Nordheim v.d. Rhön dep 10:14 13:14 15:14
Ostheim v.d. Rhön dep 10:27 13:26 15:27
Stockheim dep 10:35 --- 15:35
Mellrichstadt arr 10:45 --- 15:45
Mellrichstadt dep 11:10 --- 16:10
Stockheim dep 11:20 --- 16:20
Ostheim v.d. Rhön dep 11:33 13:40 16:33
Nordheim v.d. Rhön dep 11:45 13:54 16:45
Fladungen arr 12:00 14:09 17:00

Fares 2025

  Adults Concessions Families (parents with their own children of school age)
Single journey (covers maximum distance) € 11 € 8 € 24
Return journey from & to Ostheim € 11  € 8 € 24
Return journey (covers maximum distance) € 18 € 11 € 39
  • Tickets are available at the museum ticket office or on the train.
  • Concessions include: children 6-18 years, students, disabled, groups of 15 or more people
  • Free travel for children under 6, when accompanied by a fare-paying adult
  • Free transportation of bicycles, capacity permitting
  • Upon presenting a same-day Museum Railway ticket full price paying adults will be granted a 1 € discount on the museum admission charge.